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Informationen zur Stelle

Project Engineers for international project work
IVU Traffic Technologies AG
have studied transport engineering, computer science, mathematics, or a related natural science have been able to demonstrate in their previous professional life that they have high standards for the quality of their work, and an analytical and structured technical way of thinking speak fluent English, with further language skills desirable think ahead, convince others with their solutions, and take on responsibility
will help shape our IT systems for transport companies in an international project environment, from requirements analysis to system deployment know how to approach customers in European and non-European countries with respect, openness, and interest create holistic concepts with a strong sense of efficiency and stay focussed on their goals during consultation procedures who appreciate exciting new challenges and want to grow with the demands of our clients work out the requirements of transport companies for our software solutions in dialogue with our international customers, and write precise specifications that are implemented by our developers test, install, and configure our software products and carry out training courses analyse customer messages and requests and coordinate solutions with the development department be able to develop quickly if you are personally suitable and highly committed