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Informationen zur Stelle

Track lyers (m/f/d)
Qualifications: You have completed your training as a track-layer or related training in road construction or building and look forward to your next challenge. Skills: You impress us with your commitment, reliability and flexibility. Enthusiasm: You like to work outdoors and value teamwork. You are used to weekend work and site work. Mobility: You ideally have a category B driving licence. How we inspire you Adventure: There are few things that are as complex as the rail system. For us, this means: A wide range of tasks and challenges each and every day. No two construction sites are the same! Prospects: The possibilities with us are as varied and manifold as the persons who work for us. One thing is certain: The railway accompanies us throughout our entire working life. Our Group’s own SPITZKE AKADEMIE intensively promotes the career advancement of all employees. Development: With the Group’s own SPITZKE AKADEMIE we actively invest in the development prospects of all our employees. In this way we create lasting connections with our co-workers. Responsibility: We are committed to our team. An open